This type of Nissan remotes can be expensive from a dealer. The remote below shows the original Nissan Navara remote that had been chewed by a dog, alongside a new one just programmed in. The Murano, Juke and other vehicles use similar looking remotes.

One of the benefits of these smart/proximity remotes is that on most vehicles you do not have to put the key in the slot to start the vehicle. You can keep the key in your pocket and just press the start button (ok, maybe sometime press the clutch or brake too). You shouldn’t need to press lock/unlock on the remote to open/lock the car either – you can just press the little button on the door handle. (It’s surprising how often owners don’t realise this).
As with all proximity keys do consider where you store you keys in the house. If the car can still detect the keys inside the house, a thief can start your car and drive off without actually having the keys in his/her hand. Keep your keys at the opposite end of the house, or make or buy a box/pouch to shield them.
It is possible to programme both genuine Nissan remotes as well as aftermarket versions.