An auto locksmith is able to open most vehicles. In this example today in the Forest of Dean the keys were locked in the boot, and the car was deadlocked shut.

A national breakdown service had previously attended and were unable to open the vehicle. (In their defence this car did have a particularly difficult lock to pick). The breakdown service had tried bending the door open and shoving various bits of wire in the gap but that won’t work on a deadlocked vehicle. We opened the lock without damage using the correct tools.
If your keys are locked in a deadlocked vehicle you have 3 main options – 1) your spare key, 2) an auto locksmith, 3) smashing a window.
This week alone we’ve seen 3 vehicles where the locks were damaged/not even connected and the the remote had failed/been lost or the vehicle flat. The only option the customer had was to smash a window.
If you don’t have a spare key it is an idea to keep a good close up photograph of your key on your phone. Most auto locksmiths can cut the metal part of the key from the photograph. If the lock is too stiff to turn with a delicate locksmith tool it may still be possible to turn the lock with a key.