Faulty / stiff ignition locks

The past 2 months we’ve seen a spike in vehicles with faulty ignition barrels. This has varied from keys that won’t even go in the lock, to cars that can’t be started because the key won’t turn. In fact we’ve had more ignition lock problems in the past few weeks than the previous year put together. Normally a difficult to turn ignition lock is down to a worn key but in none of the recent cases was the key the problem.

Most ignition locks have to have the key turned in order that the lock can be removed. If the key won’t turn it will make replacement more difficult.

Some vehicles including Land Rovers and Volvos often have the entire lock housing attached using shear bolts.

Ford igntion repair
Repairing Ford ignition barrel

Before calling out a locksmith try your spare key (if you have one). If that doesn’t work you can try flushing the lock with a good lubricant (not WD40). Sometimes a gentle tap on the end the key with a screwdriver or light mallet can cure the problem.